
To dream of a quay, denotes that you will contemplate making a long tour in the near future. To see vessels while standing on the quay, denotes the fruition of wishes and designs.

Quack Doctor.

To see a quack doctor in your dreams, denotes you will be alarmed over some illness and its improper treatment.


To dream of a queen, foretells succesful{sic} ventures. If she looks old or haggard, there will be disappointments connected with your pleasures. [181] See Empress.

Quack Medicine.

To dream you take quack medicine, shows that you are growing morbid under some trouble, and should overcome it by industrious application to duty. To read the advertisement of it, foretells unhappy companions will wrong and distress you.


To question the merits of a thing in your dreams, denotes that you will suspect some one whom you love of unfaithfulness, and you will fear for your speculations. To ask a question, foretells that you will earnestly strive for truth and be successful. If you are questioned, you will be unfairly dealt with.


To dream of dancing a quadrille, foretells that some pleasant engagement will occupy your time. [180] See Dancing.


To find yourself in quicksand while dreaming, you will meet with loss and deceit. If you are unable to overcome it, you will be involved in overwhelming misfortunes. For a young woman to be rescued by her lover from quicksand, she will possess a worthy and faithful husband, who will still remain her lover.


To dream of being in a quagmire, implies your inability to meet obligations. To see others thus situated, denotes that the failures of others will be felt by you. Illness is sometimes indicated by this dream.


To dream of quills, denotes to the literary inclined a season of success. To dream of them as ornaments, signifies a rushing trade, and some remuneration. For a young woman to be putting a quill on her hat, denotes that she will attempt many conquests, and her success will depend upon her charms.


To see quails in your dream, is a very favorable omen, if they are alive; if dead, you will undergo serious ill luck. To shoot quail, foretells that ill feelings will be shown by you to your best friends. To eat them, signifies extravagance in your personal living.