
To dream that you feel jolly and are enjoying the merriment of companions, you will realize pleasure from the good behavior of children and have satisfying results in business. If there comes the least rift in the merriment, worry will intermingle with the success of the future.


To dream of June, foretells unusual gains in all undertakings. For a woman to think that vegetation is decaying, or that a drouth is devastating the land, she will have sorrow and loss which will be lasting in its effects.


To dream that you are jealous of your wife, denotes the influence of enemies and narrow-minded persons. If jealous of your sweetheart, you will seek to displace a rival. If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty. If

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To dream that you go on a journey, signifies profit or a disappointment, as the travels are pleasing and successful or as accidents and disagreeable events take active part in your journeying. To see your friends start cheerfully on a journey, signifies delightful change and more harmonious companions than you have heretofore known. If you

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To dream of seeing a juniper tree, portends happiness and wealth out of sorrow and depressed conditions. For a young woman, this dreams omens a bright future after disappointing love affairs. To the sick, this is an augury of speedy recovery. To eat, or gather, the berries of a juniper tree, foretells trouble and sickness.


To dream of eating jelly, many pleasant interruptions will take place. For a woman to dream of making jelly, signifies she will enjoy pleasant reunions with friends.


To dream of a journeyman, denotes you are soon to lose money by useless travels. For a woman, this dream brings pleasant trips, though unexpected ones.


To dream that you are on the jury, denotes dissatisfaction with your employments, and you will seek to materially change your position. If you are cleared from a charge by the jury, your business will be successful and affairs will move your way, but if you should be condemned, enemies will overpower you and harass

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To dream of jessamine, denotes you are approximating some exquisite pleasure, but which will be fleeting.


To dream that you feel joy over any event, denotes harmony among friends.