
To dream of seeing or wearing an eyeglass, denotes you will be afflicted with disagreeable friendships, from which you will strive vainly to disengage yourself. For a young woman to see her lover with an eyeglass on, omens disruption of love affairs.


To dream that you overcome enemies, denotes that you will surmount all difficulties in business, and enjoy the greatest prosperity. If you are defamed by your enemies, it denotes that you will be threatened with failures in your work. You will be wise to use the utmost caution in proceeding in affairs of any moment.

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To dream of an epidemic, signifies prostration of mental faculties and worry from distasteful tasks. Contagion among relatives or friends is foretold by dreams of this nature.


For a woman to dream that she is exiled, denotes that she will have to make a journey which will interfere with some engagement or pleasure. [64] See Banishment.


To dream of a business engagement, denotes dulness and worries in trade. For young people to dream that they are engaged, denotes that they will not be much admired. To dream of breaking an engagement, denotes a hasty, and an unwise action in some important matter or disappointments may follow.


To dream that you wear this beautiful and costly raiment, denotes exaltation, lofty character and wealth forming a barrier to want and misery. To see others thus clothed, you will be associated with wealthy people, polished in literature and art. For a lover to see his sweetheart clothed in ermine, is an omen of purity

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To dream of explosions, portends that disapproving actions of those connected with you will cause you transient displeasure and loss, and that business will also displease you. To think your face, or the face of others, is blackened or mutilated, signifies you will be accused of indiscretion which will be unjust, though circumstances may convict

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To dream of an engine, denotes you will encounter grave difficulties and journeys, but you will have substantial friends to uphold you. Disabled engines stand for misfortune and loss of relatives.


To go on errands in your dreams, means congenial associations and mutual agreement in the home circle. For a young woman to send some person on an errand, denotes she will lose her lover by her indifference to meet his wishes.


To dream of seeing an eye, warns you that watchful enemies are seeking the slightest chance to work injury to your business. This dream indicates to a lover, that a rival will usurp him if he is not careful. To dream of brown eyes, denotes deceit and perfidy. To see blue eyes, denotes weakness in

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