
To dream of symphonies, heralds delightful occupations. [220] See Music.


To dream of swearing, denotes some unpleasant obstructions in business. A lover will have cause to suspect the faithfulness of his affianced after this dream. To dream that you are swearing before your family, denotes that disagreements will soon be brought about by your unloyal conduct.


To dream of a synagogue, foretells that you have enemies powerfully barricading your entrance into fortune’s realms. If you climb to the top on the outside, you will overcome oppositions and be successful. If you read the Hebrew inscription on a synagogue, you will meet disaster, but will eventually rebuild your fortunes with renewed splendor.

Synagogue.Read More »


To dream of sugar-tongs, foretells that disagreeable tidings of wrong-doings will be received by you.


To dream of sweeping, denotes that you will gain favor in the eyes of your husband, and children will find pleasure in the home. If you think the floors need sweeping, and you from some cause neglect them, there will be distresses and bitter disappointments awaiting you in the approaching days. To servants, sweeping is

Sweeping.Read More »


To dream of a syringe, denotes that false alarm of the gravity of a relative’s condition will reach you. To see a broken one, foretells you are approaching a period of ill health or worry over slight mistakes in business.


To commit suicide in a dream, foretells that misfortune will hang heavily over you. To see or hear others committing this deed, foretells that the failure of others will affect your interests. For a young woman to dream that her lover commits suicide, her disappointment by the faithlessness of her lover is accentuated.


To dream that your sweetheart is affable and of pleasing physique, foretells that you will woo a woman who will prove a joy to your pride and will bring you a good inheritance. If she appears otherwise, you will be discontented with your choice before the marriage vows are consummated. To dream of her as

Sweetheart.[218]Read More »


To dream of sulphur, warns you to use much discretion in your dealings, as you are threatened with foul play. To see sulphur burning, is ominous of great care attendant upon your wealth. To eat sulphur, indicates good health and consequent pleasure.

Sweet Oil.

Sweet oil in dreams, implies considerate treatment will be withheld from you in some unfortunate occurrence.