
To dream of seeing roses blooming and fragrant, denotes that some joyful occasion is nearing, and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart. For a young woman to dream of gathering roses, shows she will soon have an offer of marriage, which will be much to her liking. Withered roses, signify the absence […]


To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and

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Rogue’s Gallery.

To dream that you are in a rogue’s gallery, foretells you will be associated with people who will fail to appreciate you. To see your own picture, you will be overawed by a tormenting enemy.


To wear or see rosettes on others while in dreams, is significant of frivolous waste of time; though you will experience the thrills of pleasure, they will bring disappointments.


To dream that you are ruptured, denotes you will have physical disorders or disagreeable contentions. If it be others you see in this condition, you will be in danger of irreconcilable quarrels.

Roman Candle.

To see Roman candles while dreaming, is a sign of speedy attainment of coveted pleasures and positions. To imagine that you have a loaded candle and find it empty, denotes that you will be disappointed with the possession of some object which you have long striven to obtain. [193] See Rocket.


To dream of using rouge, denotes that you will practice deceit to obtain your wishes. To see others with it on their faces, warns you that you are being artfully used to further the designs of some deceitful persons. If you see it on your hands, or clothing, you will be detected in some scheme.

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To dream of rust on articles, old pieces of tin, or iron, is significant of depression of your surroundings. Sickness, decline in fortune and false friends are filling your sphere.


To find yourself on a roof in a dream, denotes unbounded success. To become frightened and think you are falling, signifies that, while you may advance, you will have no firm hold on your position. To see a roof falling in, you will be threatened with a sudden calamity. To repair, or build a roof,

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To dream of seeing a roundabout, denotes that you will struggle unsuccessfully to advance in fortune or love.