
For a young woman to dream of crossing a mountain in company with her cousin and dead brother, who was smiling, denotes she will have a distinctive change in her life for the better, but there are warnings against allurements and deceitfulness of friends. If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further, she will […]


To dream of a museum, denotes you will pass through many and varied scenes in striving for what appears your rightful position. You will acquire useful knowledge, which will stand you in better light than if you had pursued the usual course to learning. If the museum is distasteful, you will have many causes for

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To find yourself bewildered by some mysterious event, denotes that strangers will harass you with their troubles and claim your aid. It warns you also of neglected duties, for which you feel much aversion. Business will wind you into unpleasant complications. To find yourself studying the mysteries of creation, denotes that a change will take

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To dream that you wear mourning, omens ill luck and unhappiness. If others wear it, there will be disturbing influences among your friends causing you unexpected dissatisfaction and loss. To lovers, this dream foretells misunderstanding and probable separation.


To dream of hearing harmonious music, omens pleasure and prosperity. Discordant music foretells troubles with unruly children, and unhappiness in the household.


For a woman to dream of a mouse, denotes that she will have an enemy who will annoy her by artfulness and treachery.

Musical Instruments.

To see musical instruments, denotes anticipated pleasures. If they are broken, the pleasure will be marred by uncongenial companionship. For a young woman, this dream foretells for her the power to make her life what she will.


To see a mouse-trap in dreams, signifies your need to be careful of character, as wary persons have designs upon you. To see it full of mice, you will likely fall into the hands of enemies. To set a trap, you will artfully devise means to overcome your opponents. [130] See Mice.


To see mushrooms in your dreams, denotes unhealthy desires, and unwise haste in amassing wealth, as it may vanish in law suits and vain pleasures. To eat them, signifies humiliation and disgraceful love. For a young woman to dream of them, foretells her defiance of propriety in her pursuit of foolish pleasures.


To dream that you walk in mud, denotes that you will have cause to lose confidence in friendships, and there will be losses and disturbances in family circles. To see others walking in mud, ugly rumors will reach you of some friend or employee. To the farmer, this dream is significant of short crops and

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